A typical service will last about 60 minutes with communion celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome at our communion table. Every service has special music provided by one of our three groups; choir with soloists, bell choir, or our band Refuge. There are worship boxes available for kids in worship. Children and youth are invited to attend Sunday School and Youth Group. Refreshments are provided before and after service!
Our parking lot is located on Floyd Street across the street from the church.
Please enter the church using the Floyd St. entrance. In the summer you can walk along Collingwood Blvd. to the front of the church and enter the doors to the Sanctuary under the large portico.
Our facilities are wheelchair accessible. There are handicap parking spots in the Floyd St. parking lot. Inside, you will find an elevator that provides access to the Sanctuary and second floor. For those who are visually impaired, there are large print hymns available for each service. For those who are hearing impaired, we have hearing devices that are available outside the Sanctuary.
Our congregation is made up of folks of many ages and different backgrounds. Some people wear jeans; some people wear business casual. Wear what makes you feel comfortable! We are glad you are here!